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In November 2024, Love In the Name of Christ Heartland welcomed Sabrina (Sam) Gustafson as the Family Advocate. This staff role is not only vital to our organization but also essential to the operation of our Connection Center (helpline).

As the first point of contact for neighbors in need, the Family Advocate plays a crucial role in listening to their stories, understanding their challenges, and building meaningful relationships. These initial conversations lay the foundation for providing support and guiding individuals toward life transformation opportunities, including the courses available in our Fresh Start Program.

In addition to leading the Connection Center, the Family Advocate collaborates closely with our Church Partners and supports the year-round Gap Ministries that serve neighbors active with Love INC Heartland. Sam has already demonstrated a remarkable ability to connect with others and make a difference in this role.

Welcome to the Love INC Heartland family, Sam!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and/or hobbies you enjoy:

I love to be outside all weather can be nice. I enjoy bicycle riding and reading. Time with grandkids, super fun!

Do you have a favorite Bible verse or worship song? Take a moment to share:

I do not have a particular favorite verse the Bible is so full. One that is hanging by my desk is Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stand guard in vain.

What is your favorite part about your job and why?

I like variety so choosing a particular part of my job as top is difficult. Opportunity to encourage others. I believe everyone needs encouragement along their life path. Pray it is encouragement In the Name of Christ.

It’s show-and-tell day! What’s in your work lunchbox or a special item on your desk?

I love children’s artwork. above my desk is this drawing by my 6 year old granddaughter.

How has God transformed you through the work you have been doing?

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

My job includes planting seeds of HOPE, VALUE, and WORTH. God is helping me to see the hope, value and worth of those he brings along my path.