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Marissa* first heard about Love In the Name of Christ Heartland when she met our Fresh Start Program Director, Lisa, at a church event a few months back. With two young children and the challenge of moving back in with her husband, who was recovering from alcoholism, Marissa was doing her best to navigate family life with God’s guidance. However, financial struggles were adding to their burden, and they needed support. Lisa shared her contact information with Marissa, urging her to reach out since she had shown interest in the Fresh Start Program.

As time passed, Marissa didn’t call Lisa. Lisa started to wonder about her and began praying that God would guide Marissa to them when the time was right, according to His plan.

“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 CEB

The following day, Marissa finally made the call. It turned out that a friend of hers had been part of our Fresh Start Program and suggested Marissa give it a try. We were thrilled to reconnect with her and saw it as a sign of divine intervention prompting her call. Marissa and her husband joined Fresh Start, finding the classes valuable in their lives.

During one of the Fresh Start sessions, a volunteer returned after a long absence. Marissa recognized this volunteer from years ago. After the classes ended, Marissa confided that she believed God had placed that volunteer there that night to help her mend a relationship that had soured in the past. It was a powerful reminder to Marissa that God was guiding her towards forgiveness and reconciliation. She realized she needed to trust and follow His lead in her life. Clearly, God was at work in Marissa and her husband’s lives, and their participation in the Fresh Start program was evidence of that.

We eagerly anticipate witnessing what God has in store for them as they continue to trust Him for their future.

*Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.