Do you know about our Fresh Start Program?
Our Fresh Start Program is offered exclusively through Love INC Heartland. It’s a series of free, weekly classes that create opportunities to make positive life changes. While this is a core next step that we encourage neighbors in need to participate in, anyone is welcome to attend classes. Class topics include:
- Affirming Potential
- Faith & Finance
- Parenting
- And More
Lisa, our Fresh Start Program Director, shares, “We believe that as people [come to know] they are loved and valued by God, that they have God-given potential, and that God has a plan for their life. Their level of self-worth and hope increases and they become better equipped for life.”
*Kelly, at a very young age felt alone and struggled with her mental health. She was a single mom who had no confidence, no support system, and a lot of shame. For most of her life, she pictured blackness for her future as everything seemed so complicated. She met Lisa at a Gao Ministry event called Back to School Bash in 2019 and was asked to consider the Fresh Start program. She was not ready then, but in 2021 she reached an all-time low in her life and decided to reach out and join the Fresh Start Program. Kelly began to build a positive support system within Fresh Start. One of Kelly’s new friends was *Pamela, a single mom who had also walked a road of abuse and trauma much like Kelly. Pamela invited Kelly to a Christian single mom’s retreat and a trauma support group. This began a friendship, and with the support of each other, they are allowing God to heal their past. They now attend church together and believe God has good things in their future.
Both Kelly and Pamela’s ongoing stories are a real reminder that God has plans for both their lives.
Lisa reminds us that, “God sees us as human beings that He created with a special purpose. He does not see us as human doings where we are seen for what we have done or what we are doing.” A verse Lisa shares often is Psalm 139:14, I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. When we read this truth, we know that God has a special purpose for everyone.
Many of these relationships and support systems would not be possible without the Fresh Start Program. Will you help us continue to Love In the Name of Christ through our Fresh Start Program?
There are a variety of ways you can support this transformational ministry. A few ways are:
- Attending classes to build relationships with others
- Praying for current and future Fresh Start families
- Preparing a community meal to serve before classes
- Encouraging participants through volunteering as a mentor
- Become a ongoing sponsor of the program