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There’s a verse in the Bible that’s often joked about for being the shortest. People say, “I know the Bible; I have a verse memorized,” and then state, “Jesus wept.” Perhaps even in my younger years, I told that joke one too many times.

It’s true, John 11:35—”Jesus wept”—is indeed the shortest verse in the Bible. However, its significance and meaning run deep. To understand why Jesus showed emotion, we must first grasp the reason behind his tears. Many think Jesus wept out of love for Lazarus (John 11:36).

But let’s dive deeper into John 11. This chapter reveals profound truths about the Lord of the Universe. Early on, Jesus hears that Lazarus is gravely ill. Despite this, when informed, he declares that Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death but will serve to glorify God’s Son, Jesus (John 11:4).

Jesus delays his journey by two days, then tells his disciples plainly that Lazarus has died and that he intends to go to him. When Jesus arrives at Bethany, where Lazarus is entombed, Lazarus has been dead for four days—a time significant in Jewish belief, as it was thought that the soul lingered for three days after death.

One of the most poignant moments in Jesus’ earthly ministry follows. Bethany is close to Jerusalem, akin to a suburb bustling with mourners. Martha approaches Jesus, and John recounts their exchange poignantly in John 11:21-27. Martha initially laments that if Jesus had been there, her brother would not have died, but she also expresses faith that God will grant Jesus whatever he asks. Jesus reveals his purpose to her, proclaiming in verses 25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Later, Mary and others join them, weeping in sorrow. Witnessing their grief deeply moves Jesus. Verse 33 tells us, “When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.”

As they lead Jesus to the tomb, his compassion and love for humanity are evident—he weeps, despite knowing his plan from the outset. He knew Lazarus would live again, yet his empathy for our pain is profound.

The Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Life, feels compassion for us. Do you believe this? He doesn’t remove all our struggles; due to sin, we live in a broken world. Yet Jesus sees the bigger picture. Ultimately, his plan is life. This story ends with Lazarus being raised to life, showcasing Jesus’ power over death.

At Love INC Heartland, our mission is to extend this compassion and empathy to those stuck in life’s struggles. Our role isn’t to eliminate these struggles but to reveal hope in Jesus amid them. This partnership between Love INC and the Church—God’s people—is crucial. Through it, we reflect Jesus’ deep compassion and love to those in need.

Here’s how you can help us embody Jesus to others:

Together, let’s show that life—God’s plan from creation—is what we offer through Jesus. Thank you for being part of this mission with us.