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Volunteer With Love INC

We rely on the hearts and hands of dedicated volunteers to make the Love INC ministry possible. God is transforming lives in our communities through committed volunteers from our partner churches, local businesses, and neighborhoods.

Volunteer With Us

We have a variety of ways you can get involved as a volunteer with Love INC Heartland. Our core areas where you can volunteer are the Connection Center, Fresh Start Program, and/or Thrift Stores.

Connection Center

Connect with neighbors in need and listen to their stories. Assist with phone and computer work.

Fresh Start Program

Fresh Start is our FREE life transformation class for neighbors in need to learn practical life skills that promote lasting change. Opportunities include preparing meals for class, mentoring, providing childcare, and more.

Thrift Stores

We have two Love INC Heartland thrift stores: Delano and Howard Lake. Volunteer opportunities range from warehouse work, merchandising, cashiering, and more.

Ready To Serve?

Volunteers make the ministry of Love INC Heartland possible! Do you have skills, talents, or abilities to share with the world? Uncertain about your availability?

Follow the steps below to begin volunteering with Love INC Heartland!

Learn More

Learn more about Love In the Name of Christ by watching this video.


Anyone interested in volunteering must complete an application. In the application, we gather necessary items like contact info, availability, and more!

Connect + Serve

We will review and contact you about serving at Love INC Heartland! Questions before you apply? We’re available to answer them.

Love INC Volunteer Opportunities

Connection Center

The Connection Center (helpline) is the heart of what we do. Our Family Advocate, along with other staff and volunteers, listen to people’s stories, clarify information, and take time to pray for the individual.

Receive calls for help, filling out a specific Initial Call form

Place calls through Family Advocate’s direction

Paperwork or other office work (database entry)

Fresh Start Program

Our goal is to promote positive, lasting, life transformation. Fresh Start Program encourages independence by helping people gain valuable life skills and see their self-worth.

Serve buffet-style meals before class

Lead or co-lead a class

Mentor Participants

Thrift Stores

Our thrift stores are a vital touchpoint and a core part of the history of Love INC Heartland. Sales from donated items support the ministry and allow us to provide services, programs, and resources (furniture, clothing) to those in need.

Receive donations at thrift store

Sort and price items

Remerchandising items in the store

Keeping a specific area in the store organized and tidy