About Love INC Heartland
Love In the Name of Christ Heartland is a partnership of nearly 30 churches in parts of Wright County Minnesota. Established in 2005, we are committed to coming alongside our neighbors in need and helping them live their God-given potential.
What Is Love In the Name of Christ?
Love In the Name of Christ is a proven model that networks local churches, church volunteers, and community organizations together to help people in need. Through Love INC, churches are mobilized to work together, across denominational lines, to provide coordinated help to struggling neighbors. All Love INCs provide basic needs such as food and clothing through generous donations, while more established Love INC ministries also provide services such as mentoring, life skills training, and/or transitional housing programs.
Communities We Serve
At Love INC-Heartland, we serve the communities of Cokato, Corcoran, Dassel, Delano, Greenfield, Howard Lake, Independence, Loretto, Maple Plain, Mayer, Montrose, Rockford, Watertown, Waverly, and Winsted.
We are one of many affiliates under the umbrella of Love INC National.
Without Love INC

Churches serve their communities in different ways. One church may have a food pantry program while another helps with personal care items. When care is not coordinated, needs can be overlooked or duplicated, and people are not served in a holistic matter.
With Love INC

Love INC fosters collaboration and organizes holistic care to help churches serve their neighbors through resources and relationships. By networking churches together, each church is able to lean into their strengths, knowing that their neighbors will be cared for by the body of Christ within their community.
Statement of Faith: Apostle's Creed
Together, local Christian churches focus not on theological or doctrinal differences, denominational practices, or political or social agendas, but on our shared belief in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, manifested in a shared outreach to local neighbors in need.
Working in a coordinated way, these churches actively demonstrate love In the Name of Christ.

Statement On Scripture
Love In the Name of Christ has adopted the following Statement on Scripture: Love In the Name of Christ identifies only the Old Testament* and the New Testament, commonly known as the Bible, as Holy Scripture. Love INC acknowledges, as do Christian churches of all traditions, that the canon is closed, thereby excluding any additional writings from the past or present.
*Love INC recognizes that the Old Testament canon is defined differently among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. Nevertheless, all three traditions hold that Scripture consists of the Old and New Testaments, and the canon is closed.

Our Mission
To mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.
Our Vision
To see Christian churches united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.
More About Love INC Heartland

Our Core Values
Our mission and vision are guided by our core values—these define who we are and how we run.

Everything we say, think, and do is in the Name of Christ

Prayer is an integral part of who we are

People In Need
We follow Christ’s example of valuing people in need

We model excellence

We value unity in the Body of Christ

We value building out Christ-like relationships

We value the connectedness of the Love INC movement

We value transformation in the lives of people and communities

We value maturing in our capacity to meet people’s needs

We value churches living out the two great commandments to love God and their neighbors